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Team Work

Our biostatisticians have the expertise to support your needs in clinical study protocol development, statistical planning and data review, statistical analysis, and statistical report preparation.

Clinical Study Protocol Development

  • Development of study design

  • Sample size/power determination

  • Formulation of statistical analyses

  • Write statistical analysis section of protocols

  • Randomization plan

Statistical Planning and Data Review

  • Write statistical analysis plan detailing statistical methodologies

  • Write detailed descriptions of data consistency checks

  • Write detailed descriptions of data listings

  • Write detailed descriptions of tables and graphs

  • Review data for sample size/statistical problems

  • Program data consistency checks

  • Program data listings

  • Program tables and graphs

  • Statistical analyses programming

  • Program validation

Statistical Analysis

  • Perform interim and final statistical analysis of clinical study data

  • Perform statistical analysis for integrated study reports

  • Consult on statistical problems

  • Prepare statistical report

  • Write statistical sections of clinical study reports

  • Write statistical sections of integrated study reports

  • Statistical models needed to develop and analyze treatments that incorporate artificial intelligence such as "decision tree", Gaussian mixture model, k-nearest neighbor, kernel methods and more.

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3 HaNehoshet St. CU Business Complex, Building B 
Ramat Hachayal, 
Tel Aviv




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